Nutritional Kinesiology is true Quantum Physics in action. You ARE a reflection of your Morphogenetic Field. That is why Morphogenic Field Therapy (MFT) focuses entirely on enhancing Your Field. Your Morphogenic Field also “knows” all about you and what you need to heal, guiding us in finding nutritional and herbal solutions for complex health challenges. Kinesiological testing allows you to get to the root causes of what troubles your body, mind, and spirit. Based on our kinesiological testing, we create an individualized healing program for you that is based on your particular uniqueness. What matters in the end is how balanced your field gets.


Nutritional Kinesiology honors your uniqueness when it comes to your biology, physiology, and also to your nutritional requirements. It is a precise evaluation and treatment system that determines, with great specificity, not only what is currently happening in your body but also what your body requires in order to heal.

In Nutritional Kinesiology, we determine the strength and weakness of one of your primary muscles as well as a number of body reflexes and meridian points to help us evaluate the health of your organs and every part of your body.

Nutritional Kinesiology directs its attention to the causative factors of dis-ease. It minimizes subjectivity and avoids the “cookbook” approach often taken even in clinical nutrition.

Nutritional Kinesiology is proven in designing efficient and cost-effective individualized nutritional protocols.

We do not diagnose or treat diseases; we evaluate physiological functions and correct them through comprehensive healing programs that honor your unique biology.

The approach allows for a healing response that harmonizes with the nervous system in order for you to feel less stressed and excess deeper inner peace. This harmony is also strengthening the trajectory of your overall health.


Kinesiology began in the 1960s with George Joseph Goodheart's work in Applied Kinesiology. Over decades, it developed into many other branches.

We have found the following kinesiology techniques most useful: Applied Integrated Therapies (AIT) by Dan Newell, M.S., Applied Response Testing (ART) & Applied Psycho-Neurobiology (APN) by Dr. Klinghardt, Ph.D., and Morphogenic Field Therapy (MFT) by Frank Springob, D.C.


Our primary goal is to support you in outgrowing whatever health problem you might encounter. This often happens one layer at a time, like peeling an onion, from the inside out and from what is primary to what is more peripheral. We use a lot of common sense when blending our unique modalities into an alchemical elixir. 

We don't focus on treating diseases but rather on caring for people. In other words, we address your primary medical concerns and symptoms and the underlying causative factors of your health challenges. We make sure that your current health conditions are adequately addressed while you are being supported metabolically, structurally, emotionally, and mentally.

Conditions we commonly encounter and support:

  • Fatigue, loss of energy

  • Brain fatigue, loss of motivation, enthusiasm, depression, anxiety

  • Insomnia

  • Digestive disorders like constipation, SIBO, indigestion, bloating, constipation

  • Blood Sugar challenges like hypoglycemia, insulin resistance, diabetes

  • Cardio-vascular conditions like cold hands and feet, blood pressure challenges, irregular heartbeat, congestive heart failure, arteriosclerosis

  • Acute and chronic infections (viral, bacterial, fungal, parasitic, etc.)

  • Detoxification challenges with chemical toxins and heavy metals

  • Immune challenges like autoimmunity, allergies, food sensitivities, mold

  • Inflammation and Pain anywhere in the body

  • Endocrine balancing is like supporting your Hypothalamus, Pituitary, Pineal, Thyroid, Thymus, Adrenal, and other related glands.

  • Hormone Imbalances like addressing Menopause and Andropause

    The truth is we are not treating any diseases. We take note of them take note of your lab reports and your symptoms, but our work focuses on determining the primary weakness in your body’s physiology. Our treatment attention is focused on your depleted organs and organ systems. Everything in your body is trying to work in harmony with each other. Our commitment is exactly to re-establish that harmony.


  1. We listen to you to better understand your current health concerns and medical history, as well as what has worked and what hasn’t.

  2. Based on our extensive questionnaire systems, we evaluate your physiology strengths and weaknesses.

  3. We run multiple health scans on you, such as the Zyto and the Heart Sound Recorder, to collect more objective data about your health and help you understand how different processes in your body are interconnected.

  4. We determine what laboratory tests you have done recently and which other tests could be useful for us to gain a more comprehensive understanding and better support you.

  5. We empower you to understand your health better and make the appropriate lifestyle changes to achieve better health.

  6. We examine your diet and exercise regimens and determine what matches your needs and best serves your evolution.

  7. We determine what nutritional and herbal support could help you heal most efficiently - one layer at a time.

  8. Beyond that, we offer you a wide range of therapeutic modalities to enhance your healing process further.

  9. We are “holding your hand” during your healing process and are always available to answer any questions.

  10. Last but not least, we hold a vision of total healing WITH you. We know that true healing comes from within, one layer at a time, and always involves profound transformation. We are here to support you on this sacred journey.

    Healing is not only a matter of finding the weeds that are overgrowing the garden of your life and learning to master removing them even more effectively, but to teach you to grow and cultivate the garden that ultimately will bring you the greatest happiness - in yet unimaginable ways.”


Scope Of Practice For An MFT Practitioner:

Disclaimer: If you suffer from a medical or pathological condition, consult an appropriate healthcare provider. A MFT practitioner is not a substitute for your family physician or other appropriate healthcare provider. If you are under the care of another healthcare provider, you must alert them to your use of any nutritional supplements. Morphogenic Field Technique® can be a supportive adjunct to more traditional care. Our overall goal, a large and balanced BioField, could alter your levels of medication needs, so you must always keep your physician informed of changes in your nutritional program. If you are using medications of any kind, you are required to alert your MFT practitioner to such use, as well as discuss any potential interactions between drugs and nutritional products with your pharmacist. If you have any physical or emotional reactions to Morphogenic Field Technique®, discontinue use immediately and contact your MFT practitioner to ascertain if the reaction is adverse or an indication of the natural course of the body’s adjustment to the protocol. Since every human being is unique, MFT practitioners cannot guarantee any specific results from Morphogenic Field Technique® other than BioField expansion.