There is a healing intelligence within our body that carries the seed of our total well-being. Healing occurs when we activate the breath of life that flows through each cell of our body.

Our body-mind inherently strives for wholeness; thus, when met with healing touch and presence, it begins to unwind its stress patterns back into its natural state of well-being. In the space of inner safety and stillness, the healing begins to take place; the body and mind begin to dialog in deeper coherence which allows our natural healing life-force to begin to flow through us again.

Clear, non-invasive, and gentle touch accompanied by deep listening presence is placed on the body where there are unresolved patterns of stress, and through the power of resonance and the inherent healing intelligence those patterns of stress, tension or trauma, physical or emotional, can be resolved back into one's natural state of wholeness and well-being.


In craniosacral therapy we are re-establishing homeostasis in our nervous system, the 22 bones of our head, the vertebral column, the sacrum, the craniosacral fluid, and all of the joints and fascia of the body, simultaneously bringing healing physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

In the session, we are re-organizing the whole system back into health by unfreezing held places of energy in the craniosacral system and reconnecting it to its natural inner healing life force.


Cranio-sacral therapy successfully treats chronic joints, back, and neck pain, TMJ, headaches, migraines, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, scoliosis, ADD, concussions, and trauma.

Once your patterns of stress are resolved you are not only able to be pain-free but are also more deeply connected to your aliveness, vitality, and your feelings. Thus, this work uplifts your whole life, integrating your body, mind, and heart into a more harmonious way of being and living.

Some of the benefits are:

  • release of chronic tension and pain

  • the resolve of emotional stress and trauma

  • the calm, relaxed, and natural state of being

  • increased and clearer energy

  • deeper and more sound sleep

  • easier access to joy and gratitude

  • improved posture and flexibility

  • increased comfort and pleasure in the body

  • deeper harmony and a sense of inner peace