Yuan Ming Medicine includes a natural, safe, and effective set of therapies to help you heal and transform your life. Yuan Ming Medicine brings together elements of traditional and modern medicine.

How does Yuan Ming Medicine work?

Yuan Ming Medicine works on Qi (energy), Xin (heart), Yi (consciousness), and Shen (Spirit) to make changes to the root causes that underlie stress, aging, illness, or emotional imbalances. It is an incredible tool for those seeking to uplift their lives, transform unhealthy emotional and mental patterns, heal their bodies, and live a life of deep harmony and happiness.

Yuan Ming Medicine looks at all aspects of our lives; It is a tool that can help us achieve a healthy and happy life and cultivate and develop wisdom.

What is the essence of Ming Medicine?

Ming Medicine, at its center, is about transforming unhealthy patterns of Qi in the body, heart, and consciousness to reconnect with the pure life force of nature and heal your life.

As we uplift our Qi and shift the vibration in our hearts, we change our whole lives. The patterns of consciousness recorded in our hearts direct our everyday actions, feelings, and thoughts; we begin to shed light on those and positively change them, and we change our health and lives.

We can gracefully bring wholeness to our wounding from the past and shift our limiting and undermining perceptions and beliefs into new possibilities.

Our heart begins to open and expand to experience greater love, joy, connection, and freedom of being.

What are the primary therapies of Ming Medicine?

Yuan Gong Qigong 

It consists of eight comprehensive methods for healing your body, harmonizing your Qi, opening your heart, changing unhealthy patterns, and cultivating wisdom.

Yi Qi Therapy

It is a healing method through Qi and consciousness done in a healing Qi field.

Totality Healing

It is a comprehensive approach to healing and uplifting your whole life and gaining wisdom and self-realization.

How do we begin?

We meet together for an introductory session to clarify what would be the most appropriate healing modality for your individual needs and desires. In deep and close collaboration, we guide you in healing and transformation into greater health, happiness, and thriving from within.