Why are we getting sick?

As a society, we still tend to blame certain pathogens, like viruses, bacteria, fungi, molds, parasites, as the primary causes of most of our illnesses. Addressing these matters, but on a closer look, we realize that a lot more needs to be considered, such as the terrain in which these pathogens grow as well as our own constitutions, which create specific susceptibilities for certain diseases.

Western Medicine overall has taken an "anti" approach to illness, which greatly differs from that of Traditional Systems of Medicine, like TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine), Ayurveda (Eastern Indian Medicine), Naturopathy, and Functional Medicine, which are more concerned with finding the causative factors of illness and tending to those.

Traditional Systems of Medicine have also long recognized that healing involves the active participation of the client. Still today, too little attention is paid to the importance of self-responsibility when it comes to the genesis of illness. It would be useful to stop doing the very things that daily are detrimental to our health, continue to deplete our vital energies (Qi or Prana), and often lead us down the road of self-sabotaging our own very precious well-being. It would serve us much better to start more consciously cultivating our life, thus reversing our rapid aging process. All of our services and programs are aimed to serve this goal.

Here is a list of some of the causative factors of disease we recognize:

  • A fundamental disconnection from Nature with all its applications.

  • A lack of understanding of what health truly is and how we create it.

  • Dysfunctional interpersonal relationships that are devoid of true intimacy and the ability to nurture each other in the most fundamental ways.

  • A breakdown of our essential human values, like trust, openness, love, gratitude, respect, and humility.

  • A fundamental problem with Qi (that it is blocked, deficient, or of bad quality) is the primary cause of all illnesses.

  • A breakdown of social support structures, like families and extended families.

  • Financial uncertainty, overuse of credit cards, and consumerism.

  • Increased stress, overworking, under-enjoying, a loss of leisure, the being overwhelmed syndrome and often putting things that truly matter to us last.

  • A general information overload, inability to stay on top of things, and frustration from never feeling we have enough time.

  • A lack of a calm, relaxed, and natural state of mind.

  • Not feeling emotionally met, valued, appreciated, seen, or loved.

  • An inability to feel due to a lack of emotional support, leading to depression or other mental imbalances.

  • Anxiety, self-doubt, and lack of trust.

  • Unresolved resentment and anger.

  • Lack of sleep and insomnia.

  • Under-exercising or over-exercising (overtraining syndrome).

  • A sedentary lifestyle is simply unnatural and has led to an array of chronic illnesses.

  • Diets devoid of the ability to truly nurture us and deficient in true organic nutrients (conventional, GMO, and fast food diets).

  • Bad dietary habits, like high sugar intake, bad or unbalanced fat consumption, overeating or under-eating, eating too fast, eating ice-cold foods.

  • High carbohydrate diets lead to obesity, diabetes, insulin resistance, and many other problems.

  • Gastrointestinal dysfunctions leading to all kinds of health complications and affecting many parts of our bodies.

  • Chronic unresolved infections lead to many health complications.

  • Chronic immune and autoimmune disorders have not been given attention.

  • Exposure to heavy metals and petrochemicals through the water we drink, the air we breathe, and the food we eat.

  • And many other factors that have led to a loss of balance in our lives.