The greatest promise of life is that you can heal yourself. Yuan Gong Qigong teaches you how to apply the universal energy, Qi, to heal your body, mind, heart, and spirit and cultivate inner resources to transform your life into more profound harmony.


Yuan Gong Qigong is an ancient Qi cultivation system that focuses on promoting health, preventing disease, cultivating inner harmony, and expanding consciousness. It involves effective and easy-to-learn practices that use the power of Qi and consciousness to create profound internal change, health, and well-being.

Eight comprehensive methods address four primary areas of transformation: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. These areas connect you to your own body's wisdom; open the energy pathways within you; help you align your body-mind and heart; and reconnect you with your source energy; restoring your health, vitality, and inner happiness.


In Qi Healing, every health problem or symptom, both physical and emotional, is due to one of three unhealthy conditions of Qi: blocked Qi, deficient Qi, or disturbed Qi. Thus, any condition can be treated with Yuan Gong Qigong.

  • On a physical level, Yuan Gong can be applied to any acute and chronic pain conditions, organ malfunction, muscle tension, nervous system imbalances, and chronic tiredness, to name just a few. It aims to create deep cellular restoration and healing. It includes powerful practices like nourishing Qi, gathering Qi, strengthening the three Dantians (the three main energy centers of your body), and allowing you to animate your core connection between Heaven and Earth. All movements are profoundly relaxing and rejuvenating.
    The practice cultivates an inner state of calmness, peace, and centeredness on a mental level while reconnecting you with your inner strength. By cultivating more profound levels of awareness, you can start transforming your unhealthy and undermining patterns and beliefs into self-empowering and affirming ways of thinking.

  • On an emotional level, the practice helps you cultivate the five essential qualities of the heart: trust, openness, love, gratitude, and gong jing (respect and humility). It helps you become more attuned to your nature and balance within your heart. As your practice deepens and ripens, your heart opens into a more profound capacity for love and compassion.

  • On a spiritual level, it supports you in changing your core patterns and cultivating a deeper awareness of yourself and your inter-connection to the whole. It helps you develop true inner peace and live in deep harmony. Yuan Gong is Spirituality in action!

Everything within you strives for wholeness. When the inner energy channels are balanced, your life becomes more harmonious, and a natural sense of well-being and inner happiness begins to blossom from within you.


Learning Qigong in a one-on-one setting is the fastest and the most effective way to get your practice off the ground. We give you personal guidance and design for you a Qigong practice that is most beneficial and resonant to your body, mind, and heart.

Our individualized Qigong lessons will support you greatly in gaining a deeper hands-on understanding of the different practices we teach while taking your limitations and desires into consideration. Individual instructions aim to help you in developing your own thriving Qigong practice. Yuan Gong is delightful at its core, and its health benefits are enormous! 


Tian Yuan

This method works by using consciousness to guide Qi with the help of physical movements to expand the internal Qi out and draw in external Qi. A large amount of Qi can be gathered effectively and efficiently, which can, in turn, improve the flow of Qi and blood and the functions of the body.

Di Yuan 

This method is a standing form. Almost all the traditional and modern Qigong systems emphasize the importance of standing forms as a foundation practice; this also applies to Yuan Gong. The Second Method is a 'Three Dantian Standing Form'.

Ren Yuan

This method is designed to work on Qi (life energy), Shen (consciousness), and Xing (body and its movement). This method includes healing the skin, muscles, tendons and ligaments, blood vessels, bones, and all organs by opening up the meridians and promoting the flow of Qi. Ren Yuan affects deep changes of Qi in the physical body and therefore is profoundly beneficial to overall health. Ren Yuan has 18 parts to it. 

Xia Yuan

This method works on the pure original Qi of the five Yin organs and, in turn, will also have effects on the six Yang organs which are closely connected with them. This method can strengthen organ Qi and connect and regulate the pure original Qi of the organs in the body.

Tong Yuan 

This method cultivates our hearts and their essential qualities of Trust, Openness, Love, Gratitude, and Respect/Humility. These inner qualities are critical for healthy, happy, and peaceful living. As we embark on cultivating our inner hearts, we can shed old pain and open ourselves to greater joy and love.

Ling Yuan

This method works directly with our consciousness. It helps us transform our unhealthy patterns on a deep level. We can release old conditioned ways of being through a deep meditative state and discover the true Self, our true essence. 

Ming Yuan 

This method is a process of clarifying your awareness and mindfulness in your everyday life. It helps you shapeshift habitual negative emotions and thought patterns into more positive ones; it turns your inner reactivity into a sincere expression of your heart and brings about a more profound presence of love, connection, and appreciation to every moment.


  • More life energy and better health

  • Clearer thinking and improved mental balance

  • Better body alignment, strength, and stamina

  • Greater efficiency in carrying out your daily tasks

  • Deeper emotional balance with a more authentic experience of joy

  • Expanded sense of peace and contentment

  • Deeper connection to your own heart