Cultivate Emotional Freedom: Shapeshift undermining limiting beliefs
5:30 PM17:30

Cultivate Emotional Freedom: Shapeshift undermining limiting beliefs

This in-depth transformational class will help you uncover deeper peace, aliveness and joy in every moment by transforming unconscious patterns, unhealthy habits and unresolved emotions into inner freedom and choice. By shifting our conditioned programs of perception into awake heart presence we connect to the power of being fully present. Once your heart becomes radically open again, you will experience a profound shift in your well-being and your capacity to experience love, joy and a deeper connection with life and others. This class will help you:

Find deeper harmony and balance in your life
Transform unhealthy patterns of being and relating
Shift “ family of origin” programs in conscious choice
Work with life challenges in a sound way
Develop a “feeling” capacity of staying present
Cultivate wisdom and inner freedom
Live from your heart presence

contribution: $80 for the month (4 classes), $25 for a drop-in

Choose your payment
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Cultivate Emotional Freedom: Shapeshift undermining limiting beliefs
5:30 PM17:30

Cultivate Emotional Freedom: Shapeshift undermining limiting beliefs

This in-depth transformational class will help you uncover deeper peace, aliveness and joy in every moment by transforming unconscious patterns, unhealthy habits and unresolved emotions into inner freedom and choice. By shifting our conditioned programs of perception into awake heart presence we connect to the power of being fully present. Once your heart becomes radically open again, you will experience a profound shift in your well-being and your capacity to experience love, joy and a deeper connection with life and others. This class will help you:

Find deeper harmony and balance in your life
Transform unhealthy patterns of being and relating
Shift “ family of origin” programs in conscious choice
Work with life challenges in a sound way
Develop a “feeling” capacity of staying present
Cultivate wisdom and inner freedom
Live from your heart presence

contribution: $80 for the month (4 classes), $25 for a drop-in

Choose your payment
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Cultivate Emotional Freedom: Shapeshift undermining limiting beliefs
5:30 PM17:30

Cultivate Emotional Freedom: Shapeshift undermining limiting beliefs

This in-depth transformational class will help you uncover deeper peace, aliveness and joy in every moment by transforming unconscious patterns, unhealthy habits and unresolved emotions into inner freedom and choice. By shifting our conditioned programs of perception into awake heart presence we connect to the power of being fully present. Once your heart becomes radically open again, you will experience a profound shift in your well-being and your capacity to experience love, joy and a deeper connection with life and others. This class will help you:

Find deeper harmony and balance in your life
Transform unhealthy patterns of being and relating
Shift “ family of origin” programs in conscious choice
Work with life challenges in a sound way
Develop a “feeling” capacity of staying present
Cultivate wisdom and inner freedom
Live from your heart presence

contribution: $80 for the month (4 classes), $25 for a drop-in

Choose your payment
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Awakening Heart Meditations
to Mar 31

Awakening Heart Meditations

This practice guides you deep into your heart uncovering the inner most presence of our being. Through the cultivation of the essential qualities of the heart: trust, openness, love, gratitude and respect you are re-connecting with your natural state of peace and well-being. By bringing your presence deep into your heart you are creating a deeper coherence between your mind, body and heart. In the safety of grounded presence your heart can naturally open and experience the sacredness of deep connection and harmony within. This class invites you to:

Open to your Inner Well-being and Happiness
Awaken your True Heart
Cultivate the essential Qualities of the Heart:
Trust, Openness, Love, Gratitude, Respect
Become fully present with yourself and in your relationships
Transform stress into vital healing energy
Awaken the healing power within

When : Monday through Friday 9:00-10:00am via zoom
Contribution: $150 for 1o days of practice or $18 per class
sliding scale available

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Discover your True Self: Transform unhealthy patterns into greater harmony
5:30 PM17:30

Discover your True Self: Transform unhealthy patterns into greater harmony

This in-depth transformational class will help you uncover deeper peace, aliveness and joy in every moment by transforming unconscious patterns, unhealthy habits and unresolved emotions into inner freedom and choice. By shifting our conditioned programs of perception into awake heart presence we connect to the power of being fully present. Once your heart becomes radically open again, you will experience a profound shift in your well-being and your capacity to experience love, joy and a deeper connection with life and others. This class will help you:

Find deeper harmony and balance in your life
Transform unhealthy patterns of being and relating
Shift “ family of origin” programs in conscious choice
Work with life challenges in a sound way
Develop a “feeling” capacity of staying present
Cultivate wisdom and inner freedom
Live from your heart presence

contribution: $80 for the month (4 classes), $25 for a drop-in

Choose your payment
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Discover your True Self: Transform unhealthy patterns into greater harmony
5:30 PM17:30

Discover your True Self: Transform unhealthy patterns into greater harmony

This in-depth transformational class will help you uncover deeper peace, aliveness and joy in every moment by transforming unconscious patterns, unhealthy habits and unresolved emotions into inner freedom and choice. By shifting our conditioned programs of perception into awake heart presence we connect to the power of being fully present. Once your heart becomes radically open again, you will experience a profound shift in your well-being and your capacity to experience love, joy and a deeper connection with life and others. This class will help you:

Find deeper harmony and balance in your life
Transform unhealthy patterns of being and relating
Shift “ family of origin” programs in conscious choice
Work with life challenges in a sound way
Develop a “feeling” capacity of staying present
Cultivate wisdom and inner freedom
Live from your heart presence

contribution: $80 for the month (4 classes), $25 for a drop-in

Choose your payment
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Yuan Gong Qigong  with Hasso
7:30 AM07:30

Yuan Gong Qigong with Hasso

Yuan Gong Qigong is an ancient Qi cultivation system that focuses on promoting health, preventing disease and developing consciousness. It involves effective and easy to learn techniques that use the power of Qi and consciousness to create profound healing effects. Simple yet comprehensive methods are designed to open the energy pathways of your body and restore your total health and vitality.

The main focus of these practices is to align the mind with a consciousness of total health by synchronizing the body with the movement of Qi. Once your mind is fully aligned with your body, Qi can do its healing work. Your body regenerates; your mind becomes clear and peaceful; and, your heart opens. 

Practice Times: Monday, Wednesday and Fridays: 7:30-8:30 am

Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

First Class is FREE

Please Prepay and let me know via email that you will be joining us. Thank you!

Yuan Gong Qigong offers us a new horizon when it comes to cultivating a new life.

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Yuan Gong Qigong  with Hasso
7:30 AM07:30

Yuan Gong Qigong with Hasso

Yuan Gong Qigong is an ancient Qi cultivation system that focuses on promoting health, preventing disease and developing consciousness. It involves effective and easy to learn techniques that use the power of Qi and consciousness to create profound healing effects. Simple yet comprehensive methods are designed to open the energy pathways of your body and restore your total health and vitality.

The main focus of these practices is to align the mind with a consciousness of total health by synchronizing the body with the movement of Qi. Once your mind is fully aligned with your body, Qi can do its healing work. Your body regenerates; your mind becomes clear and peaceful; and, your heart opens. 

Practice Times: Monday, Wednesday and Fridays: 7:30-8:30 am

Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

First Class is FREE

Please Prepay and let me know via email that you will be joining us. Thank you!

Yuan Gong Qigong offers us a new horizon when it comes to cultivating a new life.

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Discovering Deeper Healing through Functional Medicine
11:00 AM11:00

Discovering Deeper Healing through Functional Medicine

Are you desiring a deeper Experience of Well-Being and Health?

Are you encountering unresolved Health Challenges that you are not sure how to address?

Are you interested to gain deeper insight into your own Health?

During these Online Zoom Sessions, we will be discussing why and how the inter-connectedness of our body and its numerous system is so important to understand. Every session will have a different focus in which we will discuss the different bodily systems and how to effect these therapeutically through lifestyle and diet changes as well as through herbal and nutritional therapies. Much emphasis is also put on empowering listeners on their own healing journey.

Common topics we will be discussing are:

  • Choosing a Diet that works for you

  • Making Lifestyle changes

  • Proper Exercising

  • Optimizing Brain Health

  • Understanding Your Endocrine System

  • Balancing Your Thyroid

  • Regulating your Gut

  • Supporting Detoxification - Approaches to Cleansing

  • Emotions and Organ Health

  • Let us know what else you would like to learn more about… ;-)

Recurring weekly sessions: Mondays, 11 am to noon

Fully Alive is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Fully Alive Health Calls Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime

Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 916 5543 6898

Password: 1008

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Yuan Gong Qigong  with Hasso
7:30 AM07:30

Yuan Gong Qigong with Hasso

Yuan Gong Qigong is an ancient Qi cultivation system that focuses on promoting health, preventing disease and developing consciousness. It involves effective and easy to learn techniques that use the power of Qi and consciousness to create profound healing effects. Simple yet comprehensive methods are designed to open the energy pathways of your body and restore your total health and vitality.

The main focus of these practices is to align the mind with a consciousness of total health by synchronizing the body with the movement of Qi. Once your mind is fully aligned with your body, Qi can do its healing work. Your body regenerates; your mind becomes clear and peaceful; and, your heart opens. 

Practice Times: Monday, Wednesday and Fridays: 7:30-8:30 am

Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

First Class is FREE

Please Prepay and let me know via email that you will be joining us. Thank you!

Yuan Gong Qigong offers us a new horizon when it comes to cultivating a new life.

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Yuan Gong Qigong  with Hasso
7:30 AM07:30

Yuan Gong Qigong with Hasso

Yuan Gong Qigong is an ancient Qi cultivation system that focuses on promoting health, preventing disease and developing consciousness. It involves effective and easy to learn techniques that use the power of Qi and consciousness to create profound healing effects. Simple yet comprehensive methods are designed to open the energy pathways of your body and restore your total health and vitality.

The main focus of these practices is to align the mind with a consciousness of total health by synchronizing the body with the movement of Qi. Once your mind is fully aligned with your body, Qi can do its healing work. Your body regenerates; your mind becomes clear and peaceful; and, your heart opens. 

Practice Times: Monday, Wednesday and Fridays: 7:30-8:30 am

Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

First Class is FREE

Please Prepay and let me know via email that you will be joining us. Thank you!

Yuan Gong Qigong offers us a new horizon when it comes to cultivating a new life.

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Yuan Gong Qigong  with Hasso
7:30 AM07:30

Yuan Gong Qigong with Hasso

Yuan Gong Qigong is an ancient Qi cultivation system that focuses on promoting health, preventing disease and developing consciousness. It involves effective and easy to learn techniques that use the power of Qi and consciousness to create profound healing effects. Simple yet comprehensive methods are designed to open the energy pathways of your body and restore your total health and vitality.

The main focus of these practices is to align the mind with a consciousness of total health by synchronizing the body with the movement of Qi. Once your mind is fully aligned with your body, Qi can do its healing work. Your body regenerates; your mind becomes clear and peaceful; and, your heart opens. 

Practice Times: Monday, Wednesday and Fridays: 7:30-8:30 am

Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

First Class is FREE

Please Prepay and let me know via email that you will be joining us. Thank you!

Choose your Payment

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Healing Your Heart: Discovering the Heart Sound Recorder
7:30 AM07:30

Healing Your Heart: Discovering the Heart Sound Recorder

“ The heart…is the beginning of life; the sun of the microcosm…for it is the heart by whose virtue and pulse the blood is moved, perfected, made apt to nourish, and is preserved from corruption and coagulation; it is the household divinity which, discharging its function, nourishes, cherishes, quickens the whole body, and is indeed the foundation of life, the source of all action.” - William Harvey, 1628, British physician credited with the beginning of cardiology. He observed the motion of the cardiac chambers and the circulation of blood.

Our heart is certainly the most important organ of our body, how else could it beat 100.000 times a day and keep sending 2000 gallons of blood through 60.000 miles of blood vessels daily? It also is the strongest muscle in our body and the most electrical organ. Therefore the heart muscle is also the first that responds to nutritional deficiencies. How surprising is it then that the heart is also the #1 organ that fails on us to function?!

Please join us to this informative event to explore what valuable insights the Heart Sound Recorder truly offers to us, not only in healing existing heart conditions but also in addressing the preventative side of cardio-vascular health… and last not least how it guides our therapeutic process in healing the heart.

To read more

Fully Alive is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Meeting ID: 914 3917 9981

Password: 1008

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Discovering Deeper Healing through Functional Medicine
11:00 AM11:00

Discovering Deeper Healing through Functional Medicine

Are you desiring a deeper Experience of Well-Being and Health?

Are you encountering unresolved Health Challenges that you are not sure how to address?

Are you interested to gain deeper insight into your own Health?

During these Online Zoom Sessions, we will be discussing why and how the inter-connectedness of our body and its numerous system is so important to understand. Every session will have a different focus in which we will discuss the different bodily systems and how to effect these therapeutically through lifestyle and diet changes as well as through herbal and nutritional therapies. Much emphasis is also put on empowering listeners on their own healing journey.

Common topics we will be discussing are:

  • Choosing a diet that works for you

  • Making Lifestyle changes

  • Proper Exercising

  • Optimizing Brain Health

  • Understanding Your Endocrine System

  • Balancing Your Thyroid

  • Regulating your Gut

  • Supporting Detoxification - Approaches to Cleansing

  • Emotions and Organ Health

  • Let us know what else you would like to learn more about… ;-)

Recurring weekly sessions: Mondays, 11 am to noon

Fully Alive is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Fully Alive Health Calls Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime

Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 916 5543 6898

Password: 1008

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Yuan Gong Qigong  with Hasso
7:30 AM07:30

Yuan Gong Qigong with Hasso

Yuan Gong Qigong is an ancient Qi cultivation system that focuses on promoting health, preventing disease and developing consciousness. It involves effective and easy to learn techniques that use the power of Qi and consciousness to create profound healing effects. Simple yet comprehensive methods are designed to open the energy pathways of your body and restore your total health and vitality.

The main focus of these practices is to align the mind with a consciousness of total health by synchronizing the body with the movement of Qi. Once your mind is fully aligned with your body, Qi can do its healing work. Your body regenerates; your mind becomes clear and peaceful; and, your heart opens. 

Practice Times: Monday, Wednesday and Fridays: 7:30-8:30 am

Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

First Class is FREE

Please Prepay and let me know via email that you will be joining us. Thank you!

Choose your Payment

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Healing Your Heart: Discovering the Heart Sound Recorder
12:00 PM12:00

Healing Your Heart: Discovering the Heart Sound Recorder

“ The heart…is the beginning of life; the sun of the microcosm…for it is the heart by whose virtue and pulse the blood is moved, perfected, made apt to nourish, and is preserved from corruption and coagulation; it is the household divinity which, discharging its function, nourishes, cherishes, quickens the whole body, and is indeed the foundation of life, the source of all action.” - William Harvey, 1628, British physician credited with the beginning of cardiology. He observed the motion of the cardiac chambers and the circulation of blood.

Our heart is certainly the most important organ of our body, how else could it beat 100.000 times a day and keep sending 2000 gallons of blood through 60.000 miles of blood vessels daily? It also is the strongest muscle in our body and the most electrical organ. Therefore the heart muscle is also the first that responds to nutritional deficiencies. How surprising is it then that the heart is also the #1 organ that fails on us to function?!

Please join us to this informative event to explore what valuable insights the Heart Sound Recorder truly offers to us, not only in healing existing heart conditions but also in addressing the preventative side of cardio-vascular health… and last not least how it guides our therapeutic process in healing the heart.

To read more

Fully Alive is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Meeting ID: 914 3917 9981

Password: 1008

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Yuan Gong Qigong  with Hasso
7:30 AM07:30

Yuan Gong Qigong with Hasso

Yuan Gong Qigong is an ancient Qi cultivation system that focuses on promoting health, preventing disease and developing consciousness. It involves effective and easy to learn techniques that use the power of Qi and consciousness to create profound healing effects. Simple yet comprehensive methods are designed to open the energy pathways of your body and restore your total health and vitality.

The main focus of these practices is to align the mind with a consciousness of total health by synchronizing the body with the movement of Qi. Once your mind is fully aligned with your body, Qi can do its healing work. Your body regenerates; your mind becomes clear and peaceful; and, your heart opens. 

Practice Times: Monday, Wednesday and Fridays: 7:30-8:30 am

Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

First Class is FREE

Please Prepay and let me know via email that you will be joining us. Thank you!

Choose your Payment

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Yuan Gong Qigong  with Hasso
7:30 AM07:30

Yuan Gong Qigong with Hasso

Yuan Gong Qigong is an ancient Qi cultivation system that focuses on promoting health, preventing disease and developing consciousness. It involves effective and easy to learn techniques that use the power of Qi and consciousness to create profound healing effects. Simple yet comprehensive methods are designed to open the energy pathways of your body and restore your total health and vitality.

The main focus of these practices is to align the mind with a consciousness of total health by synchronizing the body with the movement of Qi. Once your mind is fully aligned with your body, Qi can do its healing work. Your body regenerates; your mind becomes clear and peaceful; and, your heart opens. 

Practice Times: Monday, Wednesday and Fridays: 7:30-8:30 am

Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

First Class is FREE

Please Prepay and let me know via email that you will be joining us. Thank you!

Choose your Payment

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Discover the Healing Powers of Essential Oils (Copy)
11:00 AM11:00

Discover the Healing Powers of Essential Oils (Copy)

Discover the Healing Powers of Therapeutic Essential Oils

During these Zoom Online Session, we will be exploring how therapeutic grade essential oils can change your life in big ways.  You will learn practical approaches in how to use essential oils for your own self-healing and the support of your whole family and community. Essentials Oils are the lifeblood of plants. The key to using them is to build a relationship with them, learn about their personalities, and the many ways we can apply their healing powers to us.

Come and join me for these fun and informative events and discover which oils speak to your own heart. Bring your curiosity and questions.

Fully Alive is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Discover the Healing Powers of Essential Oils

Time: Every Tuesday, 11 am -12 pm

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 916 5543 6898

Password: 1008

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Discovering Deeper Healing through Functional Medicine
11:00 AM11:00

Discovering Deeper Healing through Functional Medicine

Are you desiring a deeper Experience of Well-Being and Health?

Are you encountering unresolved Health Challenges that you are not sure how to address?

Are you interested to gain deeper Insight into your own Health?

During these Online Zoom Sessions, we will be discussing why and how the inter-connectedness of our body and its numerous system is so important to understand. Every session will have a different focus in which we will discuss the different bodily systems and how to effect these therapeutically through lifestyle and diet changes as well as through herbal and nutritional therapies. Much emphasis is also put on empowering listeners on their own healing journey.

Common topics we will be discussing are:

  • Choosing a diet that works for you

  • Making Lifestyle changes

  • Proper Exercising

  • Optimizing Brain Health

  • Understanding Your Endocrine System

  • Balancing Your Thyroid

  • Regulating your Gut

  • Supporting Detoxification - Approaches to Cleansing

  • Emotions and Organ Health

  • Let us know what else you would like to learn more about… ;-)

Recurring weekly sessions: Mondays, 11 am to noon

Fully Alive is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Fully Alive Health Calls Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime

Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 916 5543 6898

Password: 1008

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Yuan Gong Qigong  with Hasso
7:30 AM07:30

Yuan Gong Qigong with Hasso

Yuan Gong Qigong is an ancient Qi cultivation system that focuses on promoting health, preventing disease and developing consciousness. It involves effective and easy to learn techniques that use the power of Qi and consciousness to create profound healing effects. Simple yet comprehensive methods are designed to open the energy pathways of your body and restore your total health and vitality.

The main focus of these practices is to align the mind with a consciousness of total health by synchronizing the body with the movement of Qi. Once your mind is fully aligned with your body, Qi can do its healing work. Your body regenerates; your mind becomes clear and peaceful; and, your heart opens. 

Practice Times: Monday, Wednesday and Fridays: 7:30-8:30 am

Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

First Class is FREE

Please Prepay and let me know via email that you will be joining us. Thank you!

Choose your Payment

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Healing Your Heart: Discovering the Heart Sound Recorder
12:00 PM12:00

Healing Your Heart: Discovering the Heart Sound Recorder

“ The heart…is the beginning of life; the sun of the microcosm…for it is the heart by whose virtue and pulse the blood is moved, perfected, made apt to nourish, and is preserved from corruption and coagulation; it is the household divinity which, discharging its function, nourishes, cherishes, quickens the whole body, and is indeed the foundation of life, the source of all action.” - William Harvey, 1628, British physician credited with the beginning of cardiology. He observed the motion of the cardiac chambers and the circulation of blood.

Our heart is certainly the most important organ of our body, how else could it beat 100.000 times a day and keep sending 2000 gallons of blood through 60.000 miles of blood vessels daily? It also is the strongest muscle in our body and the most electrical organ. Therefore the heart muscle is also the first that responds to nutritional deficiencies. How surprising is it then that the heart is also the #1 organ that fails on us to function?!

Please join us to this informative event to explore what valuable insights the Heart Sound Recorder truly offers to us, not only in healing existing heart conditions but also in addressing the preventative side of cardio-vascular health… and last not least how it guides our therapeutic process in healing the heart.

To read more

Fully Alive is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Meeting ID: 914 3917 9981

Password: 1008

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Yuan Gong Qigong  with Hasso
7:30 AM07:30

Yuan Gong Qigong with Hasso

Yuan Gong Qigong is an ancient Qi cultivation system that focuses on promoting health, preventing disease and developing consciousness. It involves effective and easy to learn techniques that use the power of Qi and consciousness to create profound healing effects. Simple yet comprehensive methods are designed to open the energy pathways of your body and restore your total health and vitality.

The main focus of these practices is to align the mind with a consciousness of total health by synchronizing the body with the movement of Qi. Once your mind is fully aligned with your body, Qi can do its healing work. Your body regenerates; your mind becomes clear and peaceful; and, your heart opens. 

Practice Times: Monday, Wednesday and Fridays: 7:30-8:30 am

Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

First Class is FREE

Please Prepay and let me know via email that you will be joining us. Thank you!

Choose your Payment

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Discover your True Self: Transform unhealthy patterns into greater harmony
5:30 PM17:30

Discover your True Self: Transform unhealthy patterns into greater harmony

This in-depth transformational class will help you uncover deeper peace, aliveness and joy in every moment by transforming unconscious patterns, unhealthy habits and unresolved emotions into inner freedom and choice. By shifting our conditioned programs of perception into awake heart presence we connect to the power of being fully present. Once your heart becomes radically open again, you will experience a profound shift in your well-being and your capacity to experience love, joy and a deeper connection with life and others. In this class I will help you:

Find deeper harmony and balance in your life
Transform unhealthy patterns of being and relating
Shift “ family of origin” programs in conscious choice
Work with life challenges in a sound way
Develop a “feeling” capacity of staying present
Cultivate wisdom and inner freedom
Live from your heart presence

Contribution: $80 for 4 sessions a month, $25 for a drop-in

Choose your payment
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Yuan Gong Qigong  with Hasso
7:30 AM07:30

Yuan Gong Qigong with Hasso

Yuan Gong Qigong is an ancient Qi cultivation system that focuses on promoting health, preventing disease and developing consciousness. It involves effective and easy to learn techniques that use the power of Qi and consciousness to create profound healing effects. Simple yet comprehensive methods are designed to open the energy pathways of your body and restore your total health and vitality.

The main focus of these practices is to align the mind with a consciousness of total health by synchronizing the body with the movement of Qi. Once your mind is fully aligned with your body, Qi can do its healing work. Your body regenerates; your mind becomes clear and peaceful; and, your heart opens. 

Practice Times: Monday, Wednesday and Fridays: 7:30-8:30 am

Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

First Class is FREE

Please Prepay and let me know via email that you will be joining us. Thank you!

Choose your Payment

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Discover the Healing Powers of Essential Oils
11:00 AM11:00

Discover the Healing Powers of Essential Oils

Discover the Healing Powers of Therapeutic Essential Oils

During these Zoom Online Session, we will be exploring how therapeutic grade essential oils can change your life in big ways.  You will learn practical approaches in how to use essential oils for your own self-healing and the support of your whole family and community. Essentials Oils are the lifeblood of plants. The key to using them is to build a relationship with them, learn about their personalities, and the many ways we can apply their healing powers to us.

Come and join me for these fun and informative events and discover which oils speak to your own heart. Bring your curiosity and questions.

I look forward to being with you!

Fully Alive is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Discover the Healing Powers of Essential Oils

Time: Every Tuesday, 11 am -12 pm

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 916 5543 6898

Password: 1008

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Yuan Gong Qigong  with Hasso
7:30 AM07:30

Yuan Gong Qigong with Hasso

Yuan Gong Qigong is an ancient Qi cultivation system that focuses on promoting health, preventing disease and developing consciousness. It involves effective and easy to learn techniques that use the power of Qi and consciousness to create profound healing effects. Simple yet comprehensive methods are designed to open the energy pathways of your body and restore your total health and vitality.

The main focus of these practices is to align the mind with a consciousness of total health by synchronizing the body with the movement of Qi. Once your mind is fully aligned with your body, Qi can do its healing work. Your body regenerates; your mind becomes clear and peaceful; and, your heart opens. 

Practice Times: Monday, Wednesday and Fridays: 7:30-8:30 am

Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

First Class is FREE

Choose your Payment

Please Prepay and let me know via email that you will be joining us. Thank you!

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Discover your True Self: Transform unhealthy patterns into greater harmony
5:30 PM17:30

Discover your True Self: Transform unhealthy patterns into greater harmony

This in-depth transformational class will help you uncover deeper peace, aliveness and joy in every moment by transforming unconscious patterns, unhealthy habits and unresolved emotions into inner freedom and choice. By shifting our conditioned programs of perception into awake heart presence we connect to the power of being fully present. Once your heart becomes radically open again, you will experience a profound shift in your well-being and your capacity to experience love, joy and a deeper connection with life and others. This class will help you:

Find deeper harmony and balance in your life
Transform unhealthy patterns of being and relating
Shift “ family of origin” programs in conscious choice
Work with life challenges in a sound way
Develop a “feeling” capacity of staying present
Cultivate wisdom and inner freedom
Live from your heart presence

Contribution: $80 for 4 sessions a month, $25 for a drop-in

Choose your payment
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10:30 AM10:30

Feminine Wisdom Practices: Attune to your Body, Heart and Spirit


Would you like to experience deeper joy, love and connection in your body, your heart and your life?

This women group is dedicated to empowering and enlivening the feminine within you. Through deep practices of mindful movement, meditation, self-healing, group sharing and ritual we will shed old skins of beliefs and unprocessed feelings to arrive home in our radiant nature; your inherent wholeness and holiness.

Some of the themes we will explore together:

Awakening your body’s Aliveness and Presence

Reclaiming your Wholeness and Inner Radiance

Unwinding any blockages and trauma from your womb

Opening your heart into deeper Love and Joy

Healing your body, your heart and your Life

Reconnecting to your Essence/ Sacred Feminine within

I feel deeply passionate about us women claiming our inner feminine wisdom and living it. Deepest wisdom, love and joy live right at the center of our own being. By coming home to our bodies and heart we are opening to our creative power and joy that live in our depth.

We meet on Fridays 10:30am-11:30am via zoom

suggested contribution: $18 or whatever you can offer

I look forward to sharing this vital journey back home to ourselves!

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9:30 AM09:30

Cultivate a Peaceful Open Heart

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I am calling us all to turn this shaking unknown times into self-retreat of deep inner resourcing - grounding and centering into deeper calm, peacefulness and wisdom of our being. Through daily meditation and healing practices we will re-connect to the roots of our love and trust while deepening our connection with the ground of our being.

We will harmonize our nervous system, our heart and mind and re-direct the energy of chaos, fear and suffering into peace, love and well-being. When we are centered in the peace of our own being we can truly bring our heart’s vision and depth of compassion forward into the world. It is time we begin now. I truly invite you to join me as we gather and co-create a healing field for ourselves and all human beings.

We will meet via zoom every day 9:30-10:30am

May 1st - May 14th

$190 for 14 days of practices, $18 drop-in, sliding scale is available

To register: call 415.342.0413 or email

In peace and love, Saša

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